More than two decades ago, Scott Quiring was introduced and mentored by renowned artist and talented Detroit bicycle painter and refinisher extraordinaire, Mark Bolish, to the subject and skill of painting bicycle frames. Since that time Scott has produced hundreds, if not thousands, of unique paint jobs for his frames using the highest quality liquid automotive paints from Matrix Systems, House of Kolor, and PPG. Today Scott applies high-quality finishes to each of the frames he produces. A frame produced by Scott Quiring is truly a work of art that is hand built from start to finish.
Steel Frames and Forks: All Steel frames that Scott produces require paint so that they do not rust. This includes prepping the frame with glass bead to increase adhesion, chemical cleaning, applying two-part epoxy primer (with rust inhibitors included) base colors, and then several coats of clear to protect the logos, graphics and colors. Please note: We cannot simply just clearcoat a raw steel frame because the clearcoat will not stick properly. We also do not powdercoat our steel frames because powdercoat does not protect the frame from rust.
For a standard finish on steel frames we offer one to two basic color combinations with a solid color, simple fade or some simple tape lines (transition line between colors). If the paint job becomes very detail oriented or complex, it may result in an upcharge in cost. Please discuss this with Scott to get an idea of colors and pricing.
Stainless Frames: Stainless frames are considered rust resistant. They do not necessarily need paint. So typically a standard finish on Stainless frames is one that is Scotch-brited and has Etched logos. However, we understand the interest for some customers who would like to have a splash of color on their frame, so we can paint stainless steel. The upcharge for this is $400 in addition to frame base cost.
Titanium Frames: Titanium is extremely resistant to any type of corrosion or oxidation. Like Stainless frames, they can be left unpainted and typically receive a fine satin finish with Etched Logos. As with Stainless, Titanium surfaces can be painted if you are interested, although to get good paint adhesion it requires us to take special steps. The upcharge for this is $400 in addition to frame base cost.
Aluminum Frames: On the rare occasion that Quiring produces something from Aluminum, like Steel frames it does need paint and so the considerations expressed under the steel section above are appropriate.
Steel Paint Gallery

Titanium Finish Gallery

Stainless Finish Gallery

Deciding on a paint color
The simple way to do this is to use paint chips from House of Kolor. Here is an online version: http://www.houseofkolor.com/speedshapes/speedshapes_shimrin.jsp
Try to pick out a color that you like or one that inspires you! Paint chips can also be viewed in national paint retail stores such as FinishMaster:
Please note: If you have a particular paint color in mind, we will need you to supply the paint brand and chip code to us!
Deciding on a layout
This is the part where you get to be creative! If you are having painter’s block, then talk to Scott and he will help with some painting ideas! Regardless, sharing the ideas you have for paint are important.
Custom Graphics and Logos
Quiring Cycles produces its own paint masks and graphics in house. Many of the Quiring logos seen on frames may be painted on the protected finish for paint match purposes. If you are computer savvy and would like to e-mail Quiring Cycles some graphics ideas in a digital form, we can see if we can work with them. We can work with these file types: .eps, .dxf, and some .jpg files.
Quick Guide to Paint type
Solid Color Paints: These paints can be used in fades and tapelines, or just as one color.
Metallic Color Paints: These paints have a fine metallic particulate in them and give a “metallic” look. They can be used in fades and tapelines or just as one color.
Pearls: Pearls come in bright, vibrant colors. They can be used in fades and tapelines. Pearl white is very hard to paint, so there may be an upcharge in pricing for this kind of paint
Candy Colors: Candy Colors are a two-coat application. As a result, they can only be used in one color or a tapeline. Since candy colors are two paints, an upcharge for pricing may be required.
Flip Flop style Paint Colors: Flip Flop style paints are the kind of paints that change color depending on the angle you look at the bike. They are commonly known by their trade names, which are Kamilions or Harliquans. These paints are special ordered and can be very, very expensive. What we mean by expensive is that the paint is several hundreds of dollars for only a few ounces that need to be applied! Please call us to discuss pricing.
Flat Paint Colors: Flat paints are made by putting a flattening agent in the clearcoat. They are very hard to paint and require extra skill by the painter. Because of this, we do not recommend flat paints, but we will paint them if you want. As with anything that requires extra work, we may require a price increase for this.
Touch-Up Paints: Quiring Cycles can sell touch up paint to you or provide code of paint to source at your local paint store if you like. For most paints price is $30 per base color and we provide that in bottle applicator with brush. Bottle size is 1 ounce (paint is non-reduced). Please call for details at 231-464-5611.:
Repainting and Refinishing
Repainting is usually done in about four major steps. The first step is stripping the frame with glass bead to clean the surface, removing paint and rust. The second step is applying a two-part epoxy primer (with rust inhibitors for steel frames). The third step is applying the base colors, such as solids, fades, tapelines and decals. The fourth and final step is three layers of clearcoat.
The price for a basic repaint of a Quiring frame is $400.
Also unpainted titanium and stainless frames can be refinished. Please call for pricing.
Please note: Due to meeting deadlines for customers who have ordered a Quiring-made bicycle frame or fork, at this time we are unable to paint other brands of frames.
Paint Data Compliance: EPA 40 CFR Part 64 Subpart 6H